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Catharina Schmeer
Designerin, Textilkünstlerin, Pädagoginichfarbig
date of birth 19.11. 1958
Saarbrücken, Germany 

professional excellence
fashion & textile design
CAD of pattern construction
digital printing
digital photo processing
project management

1982 Diploma Textile Design, Hochschule der Künste Saar
(former FH), specialization in textile printing and weaving
1985 Free University Mannheim, Germany,
studies and diploma in handcrafts education
1994 apprenticeship diploma in dressmaking
1994 fashion styling professional course
1994 pattern construction professional course,
Schnittschule Rudolf Gabriel, Frankfurt/M., Germany
1998 CAD professional course in pattern construction,
Schnittschule Rudolf Gabriel
1998 leading master craftsmanship diploma (Meisterbrief)
qualification for company leadership and education
in fashion and dressmaking
2005 CAD professional courses in e-designing and digital printing,
Helerup Tekstilakademi, Copenhagen, Denmark
2009 workshop Verträge gestalten, Akelei Berlin
2010 workshop Interdisziplinäre & interkulturelle Projekte
mit Kindern,
Bildungswerk, bbk Berlin
2010 one semester Masterstudies Digital Media,
Applied University Brandenburg
2011 participation in Conference 1+1=3, Kulturprojekte Berlin
2011workshop Gips & Form, Bildungswerk bbk Berlin
2011 workshop cultural management ARTwert, Pfefferwerk Berlin

professional experience
1985 - 1999 educator and teacher in handcrafts
1997 - 1998 lecturer methodologies and didactics
in handcrafts classes at the Free University Mannheim
1995 -1999 operations manager and chief executive of the
qualified company Textilwerkstatt in hülle und fülle, Darmstadt
since 2000 companymanagement at IdeenReich in Darmstadt
since 2003 working with digital inkjet printing on fashion,
cooperating with european print companies
2003 teacher in german lectures atRygaard Skole,
International School, Kopenhagen
2003 founding of the PARTYSANE label
2004 member of fashionboutique Nancensgade, Copenhagen
2004 specification in recycling-fashion
2005 - 2007 member of Designerpark Montre, Copenhagen
2005 caring for digital print projects at
Copenhagen Technical School
(KTS), Denmark
2005 - 2010 teaching digital textile printing at KTS
2006 participation in the International Conference Creativity:
Designer meets Technology, Copenhagen
2007 participation in the conference Smart Textiles,
Denmarks Technical University, DTU, Copenhagen
2009 partnership with artfeld company in digital printing in Berlin
2009 participation in BPW, Businessplanwettbewerb, Germany
2009 lecturing at Akademie für Mode und Design, AMD Berlin,
Workshop Placement & All-over Print
2010 lecturing at Media Design Hochschule, MD.H
on the projekt paperfashion
2010 teaching at Gottlieb Daimler Oberschule, Berlin
in aplied art & textiles
2011 project management and teaching of the art project
at Freie Schule Angermünde
2011 lecture giving in materials at Media Design University,
MD.H Berlin, Germany
2011 project management and teaching in the intercultural project
TON-Geschichten for children of Werner-Düttmann-Siedlung,
Berlin Kreuzberg, Soziale Stadt, QF3

1980 Jugend gestaltet in Munich
1982 Junge Künstler in Oldenburg
1994 Herbstwind, Kaisermühle in Darmstadt
1996 Textile Strukturen, photo exhibition at
Freie Waldorfschule Darmstadt, FWS Darmstadt, Gemany
1997 Organisation of the exhibition Guatemala, FWS Darmstadt
2000 invited workshop exhibition, Pestalozzihof in Darmstadt
2001 participation in Tendence, International Fair
Frankfurt/M, with Hessische Kunsthandwerker
2001 Sales exhibition with Hessische Kunsthandwerker,
Rathausfoyer Wiesbaden
2001 Sales exhibition at Handwerkshaus Ober-Ramstadt
2002 participation in Ambiente, International Fair
Frankfurt/M, with Hessische Kunsthandwerker
2002 participation in the fair Accessoires u. Mode in München
2002 participation in the fashion show of
Michelstadt, Germany
2003 Organisation and participation offashionshow
Chester´s Bookshop
, Copenhagen
2004 Teilnahme an der Verkaufsausstellung
freestyle factory,
2004 participation in sales exhibition Rathausfoyer Wiesbaden
with Hessische Kunsthandwerker
2005 participation in exhibition englebasserne, Copenhagen
2005 presentation of the  1. digital print collektion,
together with Designers from Montre, Copenhagen
2005 presentation of the 2. digital print collektion for the official
opening of Designerpark Montre
in order to do Princess Mary the compliment
2006 individual exhibition at Galleri Boulevard 156, Copenhagen
2006 participation in travelling exhibition
Striber til Stol og Krop
, Copenhagen and Kolding, Denmark
2005-2007 permanent exhibition at the Showroom Montre,
2007 individual exhibition at Højberg Bibliothek, Århus, Denmark
2007 individual Showroom in Copenhagen
since 2008 Studio und Showroom in Berlin, Charlottenburg
2008 Fashionshow with Designpool Berlin
2009 individual exhibition in Berlin Wedding, 2Garage2reloaded
2009 Fashionshow with Textile Art Berlin
2009 participation in Vienna Fashionweek, Vienna
2011 individual exhibition photography, imagenes de mexico, Berlin

international experience
1998 - 2000 residence in Madrid, Spain
working on a manuscript for a professional book
on fashion and colours, Farben für Menschen
2002 - 2008 residence in Copenhagen, Denmark
2006 exhibition and  fashionshow at the International Textile Conference skythia, Kherson, Ukraine
2009 participation in the fair Vienna Fashionweek, Vienna, Austria

since 1998 ETN, European Textile Network
2005 - 2009 member of Danske Kunsthåndværkere
since 2008 member of Bund Bildender Künstler, bbk berlin
2009 member of Chamber of Commerce, IHK Berlin
2009 member of Association of German Fashion Designer, VDMD
2011 Kreis der Freunde, Jewish Museum Berlin
2011 Frauenmuseum Berlin